
By Veronica


Yesterday is backblipped.

Just in case you wondered what olive blossom looks like. There is loads of it, but most will be blown off the tree (98% according to one site). The rest are pollinated by pollen blown by the wind. So we are in a perfect place for it!

Not that it's windy today. The pattern repeated: sunny in the morning, raining in the afternoon. Started the day standing anxiously on the bottom of the Very Tall Ladder while S finished pruning the wisteria, having first hauled the ladder to the right height using a rope from the window. He had to lean it on the iron framework the wisteria is growing on, but it is rock-solid.

At lunchtime his new computer arrived, keeping him busy for the afternoon. So far so good ... hopefully it will be a big improvement.

It's raining now and there have been a few thunderclaps. Skipping yoga and staying at home. Apero this evening will involve the rest of the very expensive asparagus. It is a very large bunch ... we ate less than half of it yesterday. I made a suitably large quantity of (perfect) hollandaise sauce to go with it, and there's some of that left too (it's easier to make and less likely to split if you make it with at least two egg yolks).

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