Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Up, Up and Away

I went out this morning with the macro lens and the D850 and was setting my sights on a tiny orchard orb weaver spider...when I saw an equally tiny yellow lady beetle traipsing around the milkweed.  I just missed the shot when it moved from one leaf to another but quickly realized that it was setting itself up to fly again.  Time for "spray and pray"!  (Jam off as many shots as you can and pray something turns out.). This is Propylea quatuordecimpunctata (14-spotted lady beetle) and introduced species in the US.  I rarely see them, perhaps because of their diminutive size or because they are not inclined to linger.  Either way, score another species for my YardBugs list this year.

Hubs had to head into NYC for a meeting this morning so we were up earlier than usual.  But a little time pottering in the garden (with Jax, natch), some time watching the swallows work on their nest box, and then my weekly yoga class has already made for an excellent day.  The weather is perfect - high 60's with patchy thin clouds.  

Yesterday afternoon I worked on my Africa photo book and I think I have the initial draft almost half completed. I am going to use Blurb to print it and it looks like it will be at least 100 pages, so... gulp!  Oh well, I think it is something I will enjoy looking at for years to come.  

Last night's movie was "Broadcast News" which was great fun.  It has stood up well over time and we both enjoyed it.  


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