
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 75/93
Main activity: Fri - Shift/upgrade, work 
Notes: Wow! Woke 4a-something and head was worse (crown opening feeling again), turned on AC, back to sleep. Woke just before 6a, turned off AC, back to sleep until just before 9a!!! Really needed that but felt so groggy and weird! Jumped into coffee (my new H mug Susan bought for me yesterday at Michael's!) and work solidly thru 130p, with a call from Ellen in there (we chatted for 30 min). Late to the pool, saved or tried 2 bees (one flew off, not sure about the other). Hot and in the pool and shower several times ea. Shower then inside and made my pizza and then back to work until near 6p. And then back on shortly after until 640p! Streamed shows in the evening.

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