*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

Day 8: Looking for Rapunzel

I can finally cross something off my ancient "to do" list - to walk up to Conygar Tower from Dunster. Loved every second! Didn't see a soul on the climb up and had the folly all to myself for a while. Just as I was about to leave anyway a few other people turned up so I headed off and had the whole descent to myself too. Made a little reel here. I also made a reel of the marshes from yesterday here. There are some little sparkles if you look closely. Like I've said before, there will be boring explanation, but why look for it? ;-)

Norm met me back in Dunster and we had a cracking cup of Miles tea - best tea there is. I was boiling and parched so it was like nectar!

The weather wasn't great for photography today but I'll take blue skies and bright sun over good photos any day hehe. Added a few extras - approaching Conygar Tower, the beautiful Dunster Dovecote (which I've not seen before, the blackbirds seemed to like it) and the pretty thatched cottages as you approach Gallox Bridge. Think I did well to go to Dunster and not post a picture of either the castle or the yarn market!

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