
By suehutton

Resplendent Rhododendrons

A beautifully foggy morning and I didn't have time to take advantage of it as I had to drive to Leicester.

Fortunately, the traffic was clear and Basil and I arrived at George's just before 9 am. Basil stayed with George who had ordered an Uber to take us to Leicester Royal Infirmary. The ambulatory GP unit is just inside the entrance to Balmoral House where the old A&E used to be. We were there until 3.30 pm while Len was quizzed yet again and more blood tests were done and more waiting for the results ensued.

I was glad there was a tea trolley and a shop nearby for sandwiches. Luckily they had dubious GF sandwiches, dubious in that I think the cheese was processed.

We resolved on curry meals for tea as neither of us fancied cooking but we did get home around 5 pm. 

I just had to get out in the fresh air. Basil and I wandered down to Garendon Park where these rhododendrons had finally bloomed. A lovely May sky with lots of cloud and not too cold.

Len fell asleep in front of the TV. I went to bed, dozed off and got him out of the settee and into bed at 1.30 am.

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