Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

We were very surprised to hear Mr & Mrs HCB chatting last night and realised that they intended going home today. That was definitely NOT in the plan!

Apparently, the reason is that Mrs HCB wants some time at home before she has her cataract operation next Thursday - so we do understand - but it was still a bit of a shock because we were looking forward to playing with more of the toys etc upstairs on the mezzanine.

So, we decided to go upstairs and have a mooch around this morning before the HCBs cleared up and packed the car.

We found this strange looking large box on legs, which we thought was some sort of hurdles game, which is why we are trying to jump over the bars that go from side to side. Mr HCB could hear us laughing so came upstairs and told us that it was a game called Table Football and tried to explain how to play. We didn’t understand so said we would just carry on hurdling, which was great fun anyway.

Sadly we didn’t have time to play with the cars or trains nor with all the games and jigsaw puzzles, of which there are many - so perhaps next time we come we can do this.

The HCBs said they have had a lovely time and the weather has brightened up as the week has gone on. They said they have been on some great walks all round the village and met some lovely people, so no doubt they will return one day - we hope so, then we can meet all our new friends again!

We heard Mr HCB say he didn’t know if there would be room to take Mrs HCB back in the car as he has bought LOTS of tomato and pepper plants - how silly is that? Admirer would have giggled, that’s for sure. Mr HCB said he would come back for her on Monday but she said she wonders if he would!!

Anyway, just remember TO BE KIND to everyone you meet - even if they don’t like what you like or do what you do - we are all different and we all “shine” in our own way.

Love to you all,
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

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