
By IainatCreel

Mind the Gap

Passengers glide in to Houton after their cruise.  And a dull day for it ;  a chilly, nanty-short, day.  More benign p.m.  But things fairly perked up mid-morning when Alan delivered a bottle of Clynelish.  It would have been ignorant to have said no.  CMC had to scrape together the cash to pay him.  What a trooper.  Alan stopped for a cuppa and a blether and a tip-top tea loaf.  After CMC had departed for her rehearsal we even had the temerity to have a second cup. 
We are going dancing this evening after a six day moratorium.  Bernard recommends the gentleman’s excuse me which he dances with relish.  His recently published ‘style guide’ indicates that one should never put a wire haired fox terrier on a table.

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