Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

I have tried a dozen times to load today’s photo, and it keeps coming in sideways. and refuses to load. I have given up. May try later.

Deleted the whole thing -success! Sorry, comments deleted too.

Wow! Hot all day! Well, until the haar came in about 6.30 and hid the castle, which we can (usually) see from our street.

Archie and I sat out in the front garden, him periodically barking at someone walking by, me ordering him ‘IN!’ Him coming back out five minutes later. He makes me laugh - he barks, I say ‘IN!’ and he turns and walks in, muttering to himself.

Jane came by, she’s looking after Pip while his mum and dad are living it up in South Africa. Also, another schnauzer went by and the owner stopped to chat for a while. After barking ferociously, Archie and the new dog seemed to get on fine.

After Archie had gone out with Elizabeth, we went for lunch to a wee local place we’ve been meaning to go to for ages - Three Birds. We got a great seat in a window corner, with a nice view of all the roadside bins, but at least we were far away from four screeching women…

And a very nice meal we had too. And we accidentally bought another carafe of wine…

From there we had a walk on the sunny side of the street, and there were two seats vacant at the French Bakery! A coffee, and YES! A raspberry flan for dessert. And a nice chat with our neighbours - he wore shorts, so I noticed his fairly new knee surgery, so we had a chat about our experiences.

Back home in time for Archie and Elizabeth to come home. I insisted she came to admire my nice straight lawn edges. Then the haar came in

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