One life to live

By otornblom

Factory tour

My workplace Metso arranged a family day at the factory area today, so we participated, of course! We walked around the marked route and visited all manufacturing buildings: crusher assembly, research centre, speed assembly line and assembly hall of large Lokotracks. The last stage of the self-directed tour was food tents. Weather was hot!

Leevi's girlfriend Ella has a summer job in Metso IT, which is great! 

Metso just had a massive Lokolaunch event in Tampere, where the new Lokotrack EC range was launched.

After running some errands we all had lunch together and then young ones continued to their Saturday night activities.

In the evening hubby watched ice hockey (CAN-FIN 5-7) and I read book in the garden.

+24,8°C, sunny

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