
By Ferjen

Am I turning into a cat person?!

I'm a dog person but since losing Pickle we get lots more cats visiting and I have to admit I am growing rather fond of them.  This one lives in the house behind us and let me pet him for the first time today.  He usually runs away as soon as he sees me.

B's first cricket match was great and they won!  She didn't hit the ball but she did manage to hit the wicket when she was bowling, by sheer luck, but that still counts!   She absolutely loved it and happily chatted to the girls on the team who she had just met.  I have to be honest I really didn't know what was going on so I really need to learn the rules.

We rushed to gymnastics after cricket and I enjoyed a coffee while they were there.  John stayed home as he is full of cold and was grateful for the peace and quiet. 

This afternoon we went to a family afternoon organised by the church. They had face painting, a bouncy castle, and refreshments, we bumped into lots of people we knew and ended up staying until 7 o'clock.

A busy and fun day and two tired children. 

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