Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Tidy Saturday

We’ve been having various jobs done around the house which usually entails us clearer an area.  A bit of a spring clean before putting back some of the bits and “recycling” others.

I collect WIPs (work in progress) projects around my chair in the lounge, it’s getting bigger so had a bit of a clear out.  Found a gilet that I had started for my nieces daughter (she has just turned 11!) so I’m finishing for Phoebe (as it’s for a 1-2 year old).  Just the rib to do. 

Film night:  Bullet Train, with Brad Pitt.  A number of assassins on a Japanese train carrying out their task, but they all have something in common (not just looking for a briefcase full of money) and don’t all complete the journey ……. Lots of violence, swearing and some comical bits too.  I enjoyed it.


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