
By soozaday

Eggs Are Happening!

Lots of activity at the cormorant nesting site! Almost all the birds are now sitting on eggs, from one to three per customer. Three seems like a huge responsibility, although the parents share the work and take turns on the nest. I did see a few eggs that must have rolled out and are abandoned. I don’t know how they keep them in there at all—the birds are constantly squirming, preening, stretching, adjusting the twigs in the nest. With a few exceptions when somebody wants the same stick or scrap of seaweed, they seem to get along in very close quarters.
They have an endearing little motion to scoop the eggs under their downy bellies with their big webbed feet; they kind of roll the eggs under themselves, and then do a little wiggle to settle in.
The Extra shows triplets, with a long shot to reveal some of the neighborhood.

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