
By Ridgeback13


We’d decided to get the bus just after 10am so didn’t have too much of a rush to get packed and strip the beds, tidy up etc (LE even managed her usual early run) before we left. Had a lovely coffee in a pretty china cup and saucer sitting outside the cafe on the square, then boarded the bus and sped up to Florence.
Some hassle finding the luggage store but once we had it it was a relief to leave the bags there and stroll towards the river. It was perhaps the hottest day we have had, but we avoided the Duomo area and so didn’t feel quite as overwhelmed as on Tuesday when we were here. Stopped off to see the 11th century Santa Trinita church and admire (more!) frescoes, this time painted by Michelangelo’s master Ghirlandaio who included both himself and various Medici family members’ portraits into the crowd scenes.
We arrived at the river to see Ponte Vecchio from a distance, then approached and crossed it for our bit of tourist scrum, looking at the various jeweller stalls as we went by. None of the bracelets seem to be long enough for what I’d like, although they’re certainly ridiculously pricey!
We decided we (just!) had time to go to the Bargello museum so walked over there through the narrow streets which were pretty busy with people and cars and motorbikes. The taxis are mainly electric and you can’t hear them coming so they emit little beeps to try and warn pedestrians to move (doesn’t always work!)
The magnificent building was full of statues, many by Donatello and some by Michelangelo, and medals struck by the Medici family (mainly to award to each other as far as I could tell!). I loved the Madonna and child by Donatello (extra) made in 1450.
After rather a scoot round that museum we made our way to the central market for a late lunch which we hope will keep us going for the rest of the day. We found the upstairs food market, which was heaving, and settled down to order steak. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the traditional Tuscan T-bone as you can’t do a small enough one for one person, but had the most deliciously charred fillet instead…and LE had her favourite the tartare. We had a huge salad and some roasted potatoes with them and they were both fabulous. I couldn’t resist the tiramisu afterwards as well…stuffed!!
From there we staggered back towards the station for me to collect my bag and said goodbye to LE at the tram to get to the airport…she has a later flight and was going to wander some more and soak up the last of the atmosphere and sunshine in town.
Journey home all very straightforward…I made use of the (tiny!) lounge at the airport and then dozed on the plane and had a slow but uneventful train then tube ride back to Mt&H’s. Only grim bit was an almost rush hour level of squash on the Victoria line tube but I put my earphones in and tried to imagine I was back in the relaxing warm sun in Il Campo instead of deep underground in an unpleasantly busy train!
I was pooped by the time I got home. The house was eerily quiet and very tidy so I made myself some tea and relaxed for a while before bed, letting everyone know I was home and preparing myself for having the weans to look after from tomorrow. Mt&H have arrived safely in Sardinia and are starting to relax I hope and prepare to celebrate H’s 40th.
LE texted….not such an easy time after I left as she lost her purse or had it stolen and had to cancel all her cards, then the tram went on strike and she had to get a taxi to the airport, and wasn’t home til midnight….oof! Not a good end to the holiday poor thing.

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