David J. Rose

By djrose007

Poor neglected car!

It's not neglected mechanically, regular checks are done but I hadn't given it a good clean for many months. It's also been neglected on Blipfoto, in favour of motorbikes and grandchildren. They, the twins, were off with Aunty Johanna, Ruby and Eric, to the Wetlands & Waterfowl Trust at Slimbridge. Johanna has a subscription which gives her free entry for the year. 
Today I cleaned the MX-5 inside and out, including raising the electric roof half way so I could get the vacuum cleaner nozzle inside the back area, where it folds into. There is also two drain holes that need regular checking, especially in the spring when the brown petals start falling off the Pyracanth hedge in the background. I once had a flood in the passenger side footwell, that drain on that side was completely blocked. Took off the plastic grille and just poked it out with my finger and it all fell out below the car.
I hadn't polished it today, I'll do that tomorrow if it's a dry day, but I did do the headlights as the outer cover had a yellowish opaque finish. I used Turtle Wax headlight restorer and it works really well. I had tried T-Cut in the past but it doesn't last long. I was really pleased with how they came up.
It's doing really well for over 17 years old.

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