
By _tigermoth


Always get the odd homeless person wandering the streets near the railway station in the centre of any large city, Newcastle is no different.

They are not aggressive just sadly lost in life.

This morning a chap wandered (10m) away, I’d just stepped out of the car and my wife was pulling away heading back home.

“Hey mate are you going on holiday?” So this skinny bloke still obviously drunk or drugged or just beaten by the streets… stood there with an open sleeping bag around his shoulders and long white football socks but no shoes.

“Where are your shoes…?” I asked

To which he replied someone had pinched them but he’d get another pair when he gets his money on ‘Thursday’ and off he floated at least I think that’s what he said.

Such is life in 2024 same as it ever was.

So begins another week.

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