There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

The Fun Girls' Adventure Club Starts Here!

The continuing story of a humble vernal pond in the Scotia Barrens, and all of the adventures that have been had there!

I saw a thing in the Barrens parking lot this morning that I've never seen before: three little girls, maybe 10 to 12 years old. They were dressed in colorful clothes, t-shirts and shorts, and they were unaccompanied by any adults. They were coming out of the Barrens as I was going in. 

They were cheery and chatty and fearless and full of beans. The one had a whole roll of toilet paper (!!!) in a colorful plastic bucket. (Always be prepared!) A second was trying to wrap her rubber boots up in a towel. And the third may have had a towel in her hands. The one said, "I hope you have a good walk." Which was a very lovely way to greet a stranger. 

And I said, "You girls look like you're going on a big ADVENTURE!" The one said, Yes, they were. I told them to have a good day, and they left the Barrens. (I believe they were headed for a nearby birthday party, which I saw and heard later, as I left the Barrens myself.)

I got to my pond and discovered what I suspect is their handiwork. There was a little fire ring created there. It had rocks and sticks all set up, though nothing had been lit. I think they were pretending to camp out in the woods. Here is a picture of their "campfire" from their big woods adventure at my favorite pond!

Hip hip HOORAY for little girls adventuring in the woods and having fun. I myself love to see young people having a good time, and learning to love our precious woods and waters. Also, strong, adventurous girls grow up to be strong, adventurous women. May we know them. May we raise them. May we be them!

There can only be ONE soundtrack song for this image and story: Cyndi Lauper, with Girls Just Want To Have Fun.

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