
By seizetheday


Into Leeds today. The trains to and from Leeds took a while longer than usual as they went a very long way round, through Wakefield. Presumably the re-routing was something to do with the works at Huddersfield station.

First some shopping, for black jeans. So many different styles to choose from. Eventually found a pair to fit, and bought some in blue denim as well as black. No luck in buying sandals though, couldn't find a pair that I liked in my size. Hey ho!

On to Stuzzi, an Italian restaurant, to meet Tom and Lucy for lunch. I'd arranged to meet Tom a while ago, and was delighted that Lucy could join us, if only for short time as she was on the way to see her course tutor. Sadly she couldn't eat much, as she was suffering from raging toothache. We ordered several 'small plates' to share, all absolutely delicious, followed by affogato. Mmmm!  Tom and I each indulged in a glass of wine too - all in all, a very civilised affair. Tom and I wandered around Leeds for a bit afterwards before heading to the station, to catch our trains home. Very good to spend some time with Tom and Lucy.

The Blip shows the rather lovely mock shutters at the window in Stuzzi. Very colourful!

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