An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Finished at last...

I had hoped to have Agnes and Adrian's painting finished to give to them when they were here yesterday but I didn't get the chance to spend the time I wanted on it on Friday.  I was determined to get it finished today so D can hand it in to them on the way to his group singing rehearsal tomorrow evening, so spent most of the afternoon on it and at last it is done.

It's very difficult to get a proper shot of it once it's in the frame because of the reflections on the glass, but that's the best I could do.  I sent her this photo to check she was happy with is and she is, so I can relax! :-))

I ordered another outfit last week as a possibility for Andrew and Nikki's wedding.  It's matching trousers and a top that I hoped together would look a bit like a jump suit (I can't be bothered with proper jumpsuits.  Can't be doing with having to strip every time I go to the loo!)  They arrived this evening.  Not tried them on yet but have taken them out of the packaging and instead of getting the jumpsuit vibe, I'm getting pyjamas instead.  Feck! 

I will try them on tomorrow and let you know how loudly David laughs!  :D 

Here comes the be
Adoring looks...

Happy Heavenly Birthday mum.  I hope you, Gran and D's mum are having a right old knees up wherever you are.  Miss you every day <3 

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