Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Theatre trip

Boys to school, then into town,  little bit of shopping then on to my sister.   Quick catch up then back home for lunch.

Picked the boys up from school, back to our house for half an hour before setting off again to the theatre,  Our daughter had booked tickets (2 adults, 2 children) at the local theatre to see “The Tiger That Came To Tea”.  She had booked it believing it was for next week, half term! ….. Nanny and Grandad took them (see extra).

Austin was mesmerised by it (4 years), Caleb (7 years) was fidgety and didn’t want to join in the activities.  However he was happy to sit there and watch it.  Dropped them back home afterwards for their tea/bed.

Back home, quick tea before going to a wellbeing workshop - “stop procrastinating and start doing”.  Good workshop, learnt that there are 5 types of procrastinating  (I think I’m a mix of all 5!) - they are:
* thrill seeker
* perfectionism
* avoiding
* head-in-the-sand
* distraction
Got a good list of tips to help resolve (solution focussed).  Just need to put it all into practice now ………


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