Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


The nurse came to see me today and gave me a stern reminder of a few things I'm supposed to be eating vegetables. Fiber!

I reprocessed the fairy duster photo (thanks, Jenny). I couldn't crop any more on the left side because I needed to keep it 11in x14in. See extra. Thanks for the feedback. It helps me to improve my eye a lot. This new and improved one is going into the Members Open Exhibit in August.

The draining of the car battery is from the door lock switches. Since the switches can't be replaced separately, they have to replace the door handles. Which means new fobs, too. Won't get the car back until Friday or Monday. Cost: $1800.  It's the Laurie curse!

While giving a physical the doctor noticed that the patient's shins were covered with dark bruises.
"Tell me," said the doctor, "do you play soccer?"
"No," the man said. "My wife and I play bridge."

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