
By Almondblossom

Rosa Generous Gardener

It’s been such a gloomy 24 hours with lashing rain and grubby looking skies so I needed a backblip from Monday to bring some cheer to the day. Let me introduce you to the Generous Gardener rose. The form, scent and colour are divine and it flowers for months, even in weather like we’ve had this spring. So it is a very generous plant. GG lives in a large pot on the path into my garden so it can’t be missed.
Yesterday I had a gardener help me plant up a new prairie plot, it went well but boy, did we get wet! At least I didn’t have to water anything…

Thank you for your continuing best wishes, they’re very much appreciated. I should hear this afternoon what my treatment plan will be. In the circumstances I’m glad to be back with the oncology department, they’re quicker and kinder than surgery! Onwards!!!

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