
By feorlean

Where they (mostly) come from.

This is apparently my 5000th blip.   I say "apparently" because the numbering seems to have been slightly uncertain in the past  but the official notification says today.

It is not 5000 consecutive postings though  because I  took 108 blips from 18th November 2009 until Hogmanay 2010 when I thought I would try (partly as a New Year's resolution) to post every day during 2011, which was also a Scottish Parliament election year.

Having surprisingly done that, I then thought I might post every day during the five year Scottish Parliament session, which ended in March 2016.   

Then a second session seemed not a bad idea, and then the pandemic came , followed by retirement ...and here I am still blipping, learning from others, enjoying exchanges (like the one yesterday about the name of a railway station) but admittedly perhaps struggling just a little more than I used to when trying to identify my picture for the day .

The pandemic I suppose normalised being in one  place for a lot of the time, and that is still partly true of the challenges of blipping  when no longer rushing about the place as I once did.   However I am not ready to give up yet, so thanks to all those who drop by, and whose pictures I see and now on to 5000 consecutive ( August 12th by my reckoning) and then to the  31st December which will mark 14 years of blipping every day, 

As for today's ?   

Well I thought I might use a technology I certainly  didn't have for that first blip, which is my wee drone.    I sent it  hovering above my study (on the left) from where I have posted many of my entries and over the pond and patio, which has featured often within them.     

I could also call it a self portrait, of course, because the eagle eyed will be able to spot  this blipper concentrating on  his 5000th shot....

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