All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Half Cut!

But not in "that" sense!

As I'm still on "light duties" and hubbie on crutches, the grass is rather overgrown. My lovely sister and her lovely husband popped over today in the middle of his split shift and they set to getting it cut for us! Unfortunately out of nowhere the heavens opened so the back garden is only half done! Ah well - it's a good start - thanks guys!

Other than that, spent the morning at the hospital again as took hubbie for a check up for his foot. Lots of waiting around in various departments was involved . I have to admit I was a bit wary at one point when a couple of Reliance officers came in with a scary looking handcuffed prisoner in tow who proceeded to sit right next to me. Wonder if they handcuff all prisoners on hospital visits or just the ones in for certain crimes.

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