
By Mindseye

Birthday Boy

That’s C, not George……. he’s 68 today, still acts as though he’s 25 though ;-)

George wanted to see the birds in the garden…… he launches himself at C, gets a knee up & up into this position, he’s heavy to hold, well for me anyhow!

The birthday has been spent helping son D, to move from his shared house with his now ex partner, to a new apartment much closer to his workplace, so much better than an hours motorway trip each way , it will now be 5 minutes :-)

I treated C to some new Skechers & a couple of other bits, H&D bought their Dad tickets to see UB40 in November & tickets for The Beatles Magical mystery Tour in Liverpool, I’m luck as I get to go to both too :-)

C & I have been looking to book a holiday, he’s happy to leave it with me, initially looked at Turkey & Greece, but we’ve had several conversations about going to the States as neither of us have been…… so I’d booked it and printed off the Itinerary & put it in his birthday gift bag.

C is a massive music fan, especially The Beatles, Elvis, Rock n Roll & Country as you can probably tell, so it had to be The South, New Orleans, Natchez, Memphis & Nashville Tennessee …… he shed a tear so I think the girl done good :-D

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