Birthday meal

Julie H woke me last night at 2am! Then I couldn't sleep after - tired today
Went to work for 2 hrs and caught up on StaffPlan software only 16 staff to enter now
Melody and daddy went to park
Melody refused nap at 1pm but I knew she'd be having a late one so went did the food shop - me in the biggest heels ever trying to break them in! Then melody slept til 5pm
Out to route 38 American diner - mums bday - arranged a surprise cake - massive portions and melody had her own dinner - typical as it was so huge! Loads left - melody charming everyone :)
Lots of running around in the garden with Zac and shay - it's now 10.55 we are in melody ready for bed and I'm considering going out on the razz with Julie.. My heart says yes! My head says no!! X

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