Maglic, 2386m

Another trip up the rough roads to stop at a meadow not far from the Montenegro border and then ascend through the thinning forest to meadows full of flowers and the mountain, crossing over the border at some point.
The mountain was climbed via the rocky ridge second from the left which involved a snowfield, scrambling and some bits with fixed ropes. We came out onto a slope that would be grassy later in the year but actually was soft dry earth and felt quite unstable - not a good feel when there's a long drop below!
At the ridge it was along to the rocky summit, via another short scramble, and the flag, where we stopped for lunch. This was the top of Bosnia, somewhere we'd crossed the border again (and there were 2 more border crossings that day)
Next was a wonderful walk along the top of the mountain with expansive views before descending steeply via grass, scree and forest to a lake. There Mr Rat realised he didn't have his camera and one guide volunteered to go back up to where we thought it must be (fortunately not too far) and he was able to retrieve it - hero!.
Then lake, forest, grassy valley, more forest (uphill) and track to the bus which had come to meet us and another rather scary trip back down before an excellent meal.

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