Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Everything’s coming up roses …

or at least it might be come the 4th of July. I don’t know if it was with a supreme sense of irony that Rishi Sunak decided on the American Independence Day as the date of the next general election, But personally I wouldn’t mind being free of this dreadful government that for the last 15 years (nearly) has plagued us with austerity, corruption, in-fighting, and a complete lack of connection with the lives of ordinary people. This isn’t even about politics, it’s about bad and incompetent leadership.

I have no crystal ball but I hope the next six weeks pass quickly and I hope things get better thereafter. 

My day was spent driving around Surrey and Sussex testing the car upgrade to make sure we can use fast chargers when we go off to Wales on Friday. So far so good. Also dipped into the quaint but slightly zombie-ish town of Midhurst which is where I took this picture. I probably caught it on a bad day, it being a wet Wednesday morning. The back streets are certainly charming but the cafes are rather unimaginative in their offer. And they have a fish and chip shop which was open at 11.30 am, which struck me as optimistic. 

Bloody awful weather. I can’t believe the rain this year. You get a couple of good days and then the monsoon season starts again. Good for the garden though …

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