A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Phlox Yourself

One of my favorite spring flowers is the creeping phlox, likely due to my maternal grandmother also named Louise :) • The bed is recovering after skunks tore it up two autumns ago digging for a yellow jackets’ nest. We were grateful for their assistance because we didn’t want to use chemicals to get rid of them • Now I know what to look for. They send out scouts in the spring to find the perfect spot for their Queen. I read if you change the area you can discourage their site selection. Last year I set in a garden flag, some rocks and a couple of whirlygigs, and it proved successful • About a week ago I noticed a bunch of them flying around the bed. I immediately grabbed what was available - bricks! I tossed them in the open areas and am pleased to report they left within a couple of days. I think I panicked but it worked! • I promise I’ll remove them sometime soon once I know we’re in the clear, but when someone asks I just tell them we’re growing bricks ;) • Peace & Love

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