
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 73/90
Main activity: Wed - work, errands, pool, Zooms, more work
Notes: Woke early and got up after laying there awhile. Went right to work, lots to do! Had an 8-845a Zoom w/ Susan then on a handful of things. Ran out for errands then to Walmart, Food Patch and Aldi - another odd vehicle on the road. Back and more work until 11a, Zoom w/ Carlene's Lightwave group then ~1p took a break to the pool (somehow cut a little chunk off the end of my L big toe!). Stinkin' hot and then thick clouds in and out - quite a few times in the shower to stay cool. Back and heated lamb spinach w/ rice leftovers and made a small salad. Back to work until 445p, on w/ Wix a bit on the ArtOUT site to recover a page from Site History. Shower ~5p then worked more until 620p.

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