On The Lookout For Lookman, Aylesford

 It was, again, a wet day particularly in the afternoon when it absolutely sluiced it down. However, this did mean we could get on with our photo books. I'm doing one of my street photographs and another together, with my brother, which we are calling A Local Photographic Safari. This is made up of images we've taken only in our local environs hence the name. It's been really enjoyable trying to create it and we've stuck to the minimum book size (twenty six pages) so as not to make it too daunting.
This is a bit of what my brother calls an "emergency" blip taken after watching the Europa League final between Atalanta and Bayer Leverkusen. Atalanta played brilliant attacking football (and also defended resolutely) and their star was the wonderful Lookman who scored a fantastic hat-trick. This is my interpretation, using toy robots (!), of the Bayer defenders trying (and failing badly) to cope with his sublime skill.

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