…Lino print!
I was watching the PO Horizon enquiry on the iPad while doing the printing.
It’s a bit cringeworthy to watch but I want to know the ins and outs.
All those sub post masters/mistresses who have suffered loss of finances, freedom and even life. It’s just heartbreaking and makes me so angry as does the contaminated blood scandal.
How can we ever trust those in power?
It hasn’t really rained much today, it’s just been cool and dull.
My tomato plants have been outdoors in all that bad weather but they have survived and are still looking good.
We haven’t watched much telly recently but my niece - Bryony - whatsapped me to tell us to watch Narrow Escapes on Ch4.
Her and her hubby - Joel -are coming up from Brighton to visit us in August and want to go on our boat. They are thinking of buying a narrowboat and want to see how it all works.
So we’re watching the programme now and it’s great to see all the boaters and their different ways of boat life.
Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts for my collage.
Much appreciated!
Goodnight ;-)X
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