
By Rosemarie55

Car Park on a Rainy Day!

Rained all day  -  I waited for it to stop because I had in mind to do a garden blip.  Then I forgot all about blipping until Fiona took me shopping in Lidls.  There at the entrance was this rather nice leaved plant  -  I think it's some sort of Acer  -  and I thought it would make a super blip because I was attracted by the leaf.  A rotten shot I know  -  it was outside at the entrance and people kept shoving by me!  You can see the Car Park had plenty of space  -  I expect most people were out of the rain at home watching TV:-)  Then Lidls was out of King Prawns so we had to go up to Aldis  -  luckily they had some!  Back home now and remembering to add my EB!

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