Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

Tiny Mirrors

Spent most of today at home doing some household chores.  I also  made some coconut meringues to take to slimming group as it was Taster Night.  I also took a couple of shop bought items - Quorn cocktail sausages and chicken tikka skewers.  All low syn.

There weren't many at group this evening but there was quite a lot of food on offer.  We " crowned " our Man Of The Year.  An easy choice for this group as there  only one man who attends the meetings.  He originally came along to support his wife but hes done well himself and so far he's lost over 2 stone.   I walked to the church hall but I got a lift home from a lady who lives quite near me.

We had another wet day.  When I left the house this evening it was drizzly but the rain got heavier as I walked along.. 

The Abstract Thursday challenge is 'reflection'.  Didn't have much time to come up with anything clever so I took a photo of my little mirrored plant pot and  gave it a HDR,/ Posterise effect and then a blue tint.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Steps today - 7,092

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