Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

75th blood donation

This morning I went out to a blood donor clinic. When I arrived I was told that today would be my 75th blood donation. I thought that this had happened already however I was informed differently. I was congratulated and given a sticker to put on my shirt and given a pin, this goes along with my first donation 25 th donation and 50 th donation.

On my phone issues it seems that things a working again, I was called this morning and told to comment on Bell's service. I realized that they got things working but the line was full of static. I had booked an appointment for Sunday and they decided to change the appointment to Monday without telling me. I told them that it was BS that they changed it. So now they will be coming again tomorrow. However since the call I went to the dollar store and picked up some new cables and connectors so not to give them an excuse to say it was my equipment. Oh I will see how it works out tomorrow.

I finally got to go for an hour long swim tonight, tomorrow will be raining again then back to work Monday.

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