King George VI

One of my fav statues in London. Its not been a good week:-

Wed - eat well known supermarket (veggie) salad a few hours later seriously ill so didn't do much when I got home.

Thus - didn't feel 100% but went to work, took an extra 10 mins to walk to work felt really rough (shivering but running a temperature, aching bones and a headache a hangover would be proud off!!) so when I got home so went to bed!

Fri - day off work, took Apache for his jabs and annual MOT - eeks he's gained 0.3kg vet not happy so now he's on an enforced diet (again!). Took camera to Vauxhall, they said it could be terminal :( Had planned to go to Maritime Museum BUT still felt like c**p so collapsed back in bed

Sat - felt a bit better so went to library for 3 hours, came home and crashed. On a plus I picked up the will of my 5 x great grandmother who died in 1828 all 20 A3 sheets - that's a big will especially for a women! Feeling the effects of no appetite not even the thought of a curry could motivate proper eating *sigh* - yay to soup and mashed potato.

Sun - feeling the best I've done since this started although when I got up this morning the house felt as cold as waking up mid Jan and discovering your hating is broken so I'm under no illusion that I'm properly fixed yet, I think this will take a few more days before I'm 100%!! - but Sainsbury's, parents, assignment, F1 and hopefully catch up on blip :) I have noticed 2 or 3 other people on Facebook with the same symptoms so its obviously a bug going around.

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