Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Plants and paddles

The paddle steamer Waverley was due to leave Oban this morning at 10.15, so we drove down to the pier as usual for fresh fish in time to watch her leave on her journey over to Mull, I think. Always worth watching - we did travel on her a while ago but decided not to this time. The sun was in and out of the clouds, but I managed a few sunny pictures of her - my Blip today. 
Back home to sit out with a cuppa for a while. After lunch I went up to Benderloch where a Plant Sale was being held in the Victory Hall. I took three plants along to add to a very large collection of plants donated by locals. I was determined only to buy something I hadn’t heard of, but most things were fairly common, including two ferns labelled ‘Fern’. I  think they were Lady Ferns.
I did fall for a nice pot of Primula ‘Wanda’, a lovely cultivar with purple flowers that I used to grow. I also saw a couple of plants labelled ‘Plectranthus amboinicus’, so for £1 I bought one. I checked it up when I got home and found that its common names include the following - Caribbean Oregano, County Borage, Cuban Oregano, French Thyme, Indian Borage, Indian Mint, Mexican Mint, Soup Mint, Spanish Thyme, Vick's Plant. The last name was written on the back of the label and I assumed that Vick had donated it! Basically it’s a herb!
I think a good time was had by all!
Quote of the Day:’ A person who finds a herb has found a cure.” - Michael Bassey Johnson.

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