
By jennym999

Getting ready

Tomorrow I am taking part on the RideLondon cycle ride with three friends so I needed to check my bike and get organised. We have our number on the handlebars plus a tag round the seat post which has a chip in it and this we are meant to pin to whatever we are wearing. We are not doing the 100 mile ride, or the 60 miler but just the 30 mile ride! We have had lots of emails from the organisers and the latest suggests it will be raining for part of the day plus thunderstorms. So wet weather clothing is needed as I predicted. 

I have also done various jobs today… first to the allotment to find that the slugs had been active despite using slug pellets. The weeds are growing well…. but not many of the seeds planted have germinated. However I did pick the first strawberries which taste good it are very small. 

Back home I spent a while cleaning our balcony which needed a good scrub of the white paint. A long overdue job but it looks much better now.

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