
By bivbov


Today was the first day in 2 months that I didn't feel like I was going mad! I didn’t need to check the bin for things that should be in the laundry, and I didn’t need to check the oven for food that I prepared but didn’t eat / serve the day before. I have felt vaguely like myself.

I slept for 4 hours then fell back to sleep. I had a few hours more sleep but that was disturbed by a bad dream. Incredible that people you have never met can have such a negative impact via dreams!! I should push them to the back of my mind - they don’t deserve my attention.

We were spending our last hours with our lovely mum this time last year. It was such a painful day, but nothing compared to the pain we have experienced recently.

Today was about reconnecting with family. We have recently had to redefine the meaning of family, and our family unit has become smaller and smaller in recent times.. I don’t think family means the same to me as it meant 2 months ago! I don’t believe that others view family in the same way that I do.

Tomorrow is another day. Lovely Noo wants to go to Seaton Carew with me and his auntie Anna. We are happy to oblige.

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