living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


Chickpea is pattern creating. We actually tried to get a macro shot of some nature patterning for the challenge today but without a proper macro lens they weren't that interesting.

It was lovely and warm today for the first time in ages, so I was more than a little bit annoyed that we chose probably the coldest and breeziest place in the country to spend the day (how were we to know?). *sigh* Anyway, we didn't stay at the windy beach too long, we went for a walk in the country park in Hoylake instead. We've never been there before despite going to Hoylake so often, so it was a nice change. I also spent a long time looking for caterpillars on nettles as it's supposed to be the season for them and I really want to collect some for the kids (and me) to watch. I had no luck but actually found some of the less common tortoiseshell butterfly caterpillars. I tried to collect them but they had an annoying defense mechanism of wriggling maniacally the minute I touched the leaf, they fell off and I couldn't find them, the crafty little buggars. Alas, I left empty handed. We also saw a lot of ladybird larvae in different stages of development which I found interesting (the kids were not as impressed). C spent a lot of time poking things with sticks and M running about and finding every nettle patch to be rescued from touching.

In the evening Monkey was trying to do forward rolls, and he did pretty well! I don't event think forward rolls were on C's radar at that point, the joy of having older siblings I guess!

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