just be

By justbe

I spy...

Papa Robin guarding a rather untidy nest in the pine tree behind our barn.

We "decorated the graves" as they say here, of my family today. It's the custom to have geraniums or hardy summer flowers adorning the graves for Memorial Day which will be celebrated on Monday. We did the graves of  my parents, grandparents, great and great great grandparents, mostly on my dad's side. My paternal side of the family has been in this town since the 1600s. My mother's people, other than my maternal grandparents, are buried in far Downeast Maine.

The Memorial Day Parade Color Guard will stop for a gun salute at the grave of my Great Uncle Leon, killed in action in France, September, 1918.

We bought some native plants for our patio containers and sat out a bit watching the local wildlife. An unsuspecting rabbit, approaching behind our chairs, was quite shocked to see us. I noticed the pictured nest yesterday, today we saw the robin couple guarding it and resting in it, taking turns.

For the Record,
This day came in cooler and breezy, a beautiful spring day. 

All hand busy with spring outside work

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