2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Peregrine on a pole

When the local gasometer was due for demolition there were concerns about where the local peregrines would nest. The solution was this metal box on a very tall pole. We often look up as we walk past but today was the first time we've actually seen a bird in the vicinity. 
Walked into town and pottered around a bit. I needed some new shoes for work and there was the opportunity to pop into a camera shop to see if they had real life examples of some of the models I've been looking at online. They'd just sold their last new version of the model I'm interested in but did have a second hand version. It was surprisingly expensive - more than the slightly newer model which shows that it is probably still in demand. It seems that new ones may be getting harder to come by. 
Had a drink in the sunshine outside the Town Hall instead of our usual coffee. 

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