Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I watched our Church Service online this morning and although I enjoyed it, it’s not quite the same as being there. 

I know I don’t need to apologise for yet another garden shot, but it’s difficult to get out and about at the moment and I don't want to photograph "boring stuff".

Here is our first rose, a David Austin one, “Queen of Sweden”, which is looking particularly beautiful after a rain storm - I think she looks rather better than a certain gentleman who stood in the rain without an umbrella last week!

Things are getting better but I am about to go and have a rest while Mr. HCB watches football - again!   

If you are going out today or tomorrow, do remember your umbrella!  Just heard a clap of thunder and the rain has started again, so that might dampen down a few barbecues!  

Many thanks for your kind comments, stars and hearts of late - all of which are much appreciated.  M xx  

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