
By carliewired

67 F/ 19 C

There's nothing like a
drive through the grasslands on a 
spring morning in May


I was out the door by 6. The sky was a little cloudy but the rain had ceased. My annoying neighbours were already out on their driveway fussing with their 'garage sale'. (Truly not items of their own, but what they've collected elsewhere to flog in our cul de sac.)

I drove over the bridge and over to the start of Rose Hill Road on the south shore. I stopped to get a panorama of the city and the side of Mt. Paul. 

Once past the Rose Hill neighbourhood I was on gravel. The city turns into country in a very short space. 

I caught a doe crossing a field. She kindly waited for me to get a photo before disappearing into the trees.

The road over the summit yielded balsam root and Saskatoon bushes still in bloom. I love the white lacy flowers on the bushes. The wild blue lupines show up against the grasses. I wasn't sure if the cattle would eat them. 

There was a lot of cattle to be seen in open range. I had to stop a couple of times to let them move off the road so I could pass. My hybrid car makes little or no noise so it seems to be a big attraction to the cattle. They can't seem to figure out what they are looking at. 

I missed the hawks hunting over the grasslands. They hovered and dove but they are too fast for me. I also missed a lovely bluebird nesting in a bird box along the fence line.  I'm just too slow and they are too busy. But I did catch a red-breasted robin perched on a fence post. I had my radio on so it seemed to attract its attention as I rolled down the window. 

I enjoy the long shots over the grasslands landscape. I love the rolling hillsides and all the farms and ranches plunked down here and there. 

I was soon on the Merritt highway and heading back home. 

I'm in for the day with no particular plans. Maybe that quilt will get some time today.

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