
By Bom

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

The answer was ‘go’. All the blue tit chicks fledged this morning. One had gone before I got up and the others went after some heavy rain by mid morning. I took this photo and the Extra of the parent feeding a chick at the entry to the box as soon as I realised that one had already gone. Fortunately we missed most of the storms, they passed either side of Holt and we had less rain than I feared (5.2mm). More admin done this morning, including calculating my tax due to confirm I didn’t need to complete a tax return for 23 /4 as the right amount has been collected. This afternoon I signed up to Discovery + for a month (£6.99) to watch the French Open, which I did this afternoon and really enjoyed it. I was still feeling rough this morning, but have been feeling better late afternoon - fingers crossed! I even managed some vacuuming ;)

A classic from The Clash from 42 years ago!

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