as seen

By jankerman

Brackets x 2

On Friday I volunteered to put up a hanging basket brackets for Mrs A S. Something that I would have done without a thought previously, they came with plugs and screws that required 10 mm Masonry bit. Having no 10 mm bit I found some 8 mm and appropriate coach bolts. I am with hindsight very pleased I didn't have the 10 mm! I really struggled to get the holes deep enough, but made it! Saturday my ribcage and back were rebuking all day long. In the end I found some of the strong painkillers from my post op recovery. At 9 pm I took two and went to bed, I had cause to let the dogs out, as while Fern is pretty much returned to normal Badger has the up set now. I then slept through until10 am when Mrs A S left for work. The plus side the relaxed sleep left me with very little discomfort left in the ribs.

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