Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Bath Time

The young starlings were queuing up today for their turn to take a bath. A day of sunshine, heavy showers, thunder and lightning.

And a difficult day...

Had only been asleep half an hour last night when Dad was taken very unwell. Phoned 111 for advice, they said they were sending an ambulance. After waiting an hour received a call from an “ambulance nurse” who said the service was very busy so was going to carry out a video assessment via my phone, at the end of which he cancelled the ambulance as he said it was the new antibiotics that were making Dad unwell, and he was better off at home. Was relieved; if we’d had to go into hospital in the middle of the night again think I’d have ended up in the next bed! Was told to monitor Dad for the next couple of hours and I eventually got back to sleep at 3am. These new meds have really knocked the stuffing out of the patient, he’s been in bed all day feeling quite unwell, hard work when I’m on my last legs as well. Am hoping the side effects will wear off soon, a busy week ahead with plans for several visitors.

Thank you for your kind words yesterday, it really was a stressful day. My journal only skimmed the surface of the difficulties of the day.

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