One life to live

By otornblom


Hubby worked with the boat almost all day, and it finally starts to be ready to be put back on the water! I had to rest and recover from yesterday, but I managed to do some ironing.

Leevi dropped by and also Emma came over. Emma was in Helsinki this weekend: she and her friends were in Shrek Rave yesterday night! I had never before heard of this concept: 
Come along for a night of Shrek hits, crazy performers, singalongs, giveaways, and themed drinks. Dress in green or your favorite Shrek character for a chance to win a prize! Watch out for some wild characters from the series roaming around. Sing along to some of the Shrek classics with the crowd! Immerse yourself in the world of Shrek with stunning visuals.

We drove (tired) Emma to Hervanta in the evening and then went to Rauhaniemi/Kauppi. Hubby and Peetu had a walk and I took some photos. There were tens of swimmers even it was quite late already.

+24,9, partially sunny

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