Roll With It

By Falmike

Penultimate Gardening Day

As I sat drinking my coffee and looking out over the DGS garden the realisation that I have just one more Wednesday here dawned on me. I have enjoyed it immensely, mobile left in my jacket pocket on aeroplane mode for the duration of my visit has ensured at least one days peace and quiet each week.
Although the course has a further two weeks to run I will not be here for the final week.
Todays photo shows the completed fruit cage, lots of tie wraps showing but we had no cutter to clip them, it’s certainly large enough and should prove effective from bird entry, not so sure about burrowing critters.

Home in time for a coffee and sandwich and then off to the Epic Trustees Meeting with Paddy. It was done and dusted in ninety minutes. I had time for another coffee before heading off to St Ives, Paddy on the back seat, to pick up Sam from a Tate St Ives lecture.

Long Day

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