The Pensioner

By Pensioner

On the Middle Pier

A gap in the weather so we made good use of it. Fetching provisions for Monday’s mini-cruise, going over to fetch the boat to the pontoon and gardening, gardening, gardening. 
Today’s illustration:
There are several tribes over at the boatyard. At one end, the middle class purist sailing sorts, many of whom are wedded to their bicycles as their main mode of transport on land, and at the other end of things, the guys with their power cruisers used for fishing who love their SUVs. And despite the mutual incomprehension, we all rub along pretty well as we’ve a shared interest in common. 
And yes, that is an allegory for current politics and why tribalism in the body politic (ooo get me, body politic) has become so toxic. We’ve forgotten our interests in common. 
Ha. Where was I? Ah yes, time to stop gardening and thinking aloud and come in and wash and open a beer.

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