Choose Joy

By Energia


The show was fantastic. The Reverend was delighted with the number of people who came. I’m delighted she’s delighted. I was also delighted and flattered. The model for my favorite picture came and got to see a picture of themselves, huge, on the wall and it was THE place of honor, the clear best spot for a picture. We gave little speeches. I talked about how wonderful it was that they, Christians, a church, were hosting us, how healing it was. The Reverend talked about our mutual friend Stevie whose estate paid for the show. We not only paid for the model’s trip but also gave  them an honorarium which is so wonderful because they are in tough economic straits. They are much better off than when we met, but things are still tough.

And they loved the experience of the photo shoot and talked about how fantastic it was and how I made them feel. Someone remarked on how wonderful it was that the picture matched the sign and I said oh no, the sign was designed to match the picture. 

Today is day 11 since symptoms and I test negative yesterday so I shouldn’t be contagious. I believe I have a couple of months before I can catch Covid again so tonight was the first time I’ve been in an enclosed area with people without a mask since we first had access to them, aka years. It felt a little wrong, I felt a little guilty. 

We hung out for a couple hours before the show and we hung out for hours after the show. I have to get up in the wee hours to drive them to the metro in the morning. I’ll skip the Ukraine news tonight. 

I hope you have had a wonderful weekend. 

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